1 pembroke road, dublin 2 conservation architect consultancy
by fmgarchitects.
No. 1 Pembroke Road dates from c1850 and formed part of the development of the Pembroke Estate which was developed from 1834 onwards. The estate was influenced by classical trends of Europe which influenced the style of the houses and the planning of straight and wide tree lined streets. Planning regulations were enforced through ground leases similar to earlier development in the city. Ground rents in the Pembroke Estate were extremely high with high standards ensuing and the Estate prospered during the 1860s catering for wealthy professional classes. The area became an enclave of large and substantial houses built in terraces of which no. 1 Pembroke Road is typical.
The house was changed to The Pembroke School (also known as Ms Merediths) in 1929. Given the intense usage of the building during its time as a school and the fact that substantial refurbishment and fire upgrading have taken place over time, its features, configuration and front and rear attendant grounds are remarkably intact.
The building had been unused from 2005 until it was purchased by The Society of The Divine Word in recent years to be used for residential use for retired missionary priests. We provided conservation architect input for the lead consultants, William Donoghue & Associates in relation to the change of use, alterations to the internal layout and weathering of the external facades. The works were completed in January 2014.
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