Fergal McGirl - Conservation architect dublin

conservation of protected townhouse, ranelagh


Manders Terrace is a terrace of nine similar houses constructed in the 1830s as part of the early 19th century development of the suburbs to the south of the city centre. The first edition Ordnance Survey map indicates that the terrace would have been one of the earlier developments in the area although it post-dates Mount Pleasant Square to the north which was constructed from 1810 onwards.

The houses were built by Edward Manders who had lived in no. 10 until the arrival of the Dublin and Wicklow Railway Line necessitated it’s demolition.

From 2016-2017, we were responsible for an extensive programme of conservation works for the new owner of one of the houses. Works included the remodelling of the in 1970s return to modern requirements, re-roofing, damp-proofing and thermally upgrading the basement, replacement of all services and internal re-plastering.