Fergal McGirl - Conservation architect dublin

facade restoration south william street, dublin 2


We provided input to the re-pointing and façade restoration at 4 & 5 South William Street for Savills Ireland in 2020. The two buildings were considered to have been built together but the right hand section was likely re-faced in the late 19th century in the Victorian style of the time possibly in response to the style of the new South City Markets (George’s Arcade) developed in 1878 and the resulting changes in the area from residential to commercial uses. The left-hand building was wigged while in contrast, the right hand Victorian section was flush pointed with a dark coloured mortar with full restoration of original sash windows. Knowledge & techniques of traditional Dublin wigging have developed enormously in the last ten years and projects like these are important in that they encourage others to follow suit which restores character and gradually lifts the whole appearance of the city.