Fergal McGirl - Conservation architect dublin

saint andrew’s house, exchequer street, dublin

IMG_7249-copySaint Andrew’s House was constructed in the 19th Century following the mass commercialisation of the area after the development of the Dublin (South) City Markets in 1878. In and about 1900, many leases expired and much of Wicklow and Exchequer Street was rebuilt leaving us with today’s predominantly Edwardian shops and office buildings

Saint Andrew’s House was originally developed as a temperance hotel. Various adverts for Gough’s Temperance Hotel, Exchequer Street feature in the Irish Times from 1897 (possibly the date it opened) up to 1907. The adverts seem to indicate that it was run by the Quakers. A later advert from 1930 noting the hotel’s title as St. Andrew’s Hotel. The hotel was noted to have a drawing room and a large dining room and appeared from articles to be popular with the Commercial Travellers Christian Association. It is unclear when the hotel use of the building ceased after 1930 however the building appears to have been in office/commercial use since then.

We were engaged by Savills Building Consultancy in 2021 to provide an overall conservation strategy and heritage impact assessment to the redevelopment of the upper floors of the building.